Haftorah Miketz

This weeks Dvar Torah comes from the book of Kings (Kings I 3:15-4:1), it describes the wisdom that King Shlomo had in rendering decisions in court, in fact it is similar to the parshah in the sense that just as the world was dependant on the wisdom of Shlomo, we see how Egypt and the world were dependant on the wisdom of the King's deputy, Yosef.

At the start of the Haftorah we see an instant correlation with the Parshah, King Shlomo woke up from a dream (Kings I 3:15). Immediately after the dream he went to Jerusalem and brought offerings to G-d. All the action's of King Shlomo was done with the intention of serving G-d, just like Yosef always had in mind.

The Haftorah features an episode involving two ladies, both whom had borne children three days before the episode, the ladies were staying together in the same house and both gave birth on the same day, they were the only to people in the house on the third night after giving birth and in the middle of the night, accidently one of the mothers, lay on her baby and inadvertently killed the baby. So after she lost her son, she saw the other mother lying in deep sleep, she took the others mothers baby and replaced it with her dead baby (Kings I 3:20). The women related that when she woke up in the morning to nurse her baby, she found the baby to be dead, she immediately examined the baby and it was very apparent that the dead baby who was laying next to her was for sure not hers (Kings I 3:21).

Both he women came to court, both claiming to be the legitimate mother of the baby. King Shlomo was in charge of the case in court, as both mothers wailed their descriptions of events, Shlomo, in his majestic wisdom, demanded a sword, in order to 'cut the living baby boy into two and giving one half to one mother and the other half to the other mother (Kings I 3:25). Of coarse Shlomo was not actually serious about doing this but he was to render his judgment on the reaction of the two mothers. The real mother of the baby screamed out 'give to her the new born bay and don't put him to death (Kings I 3:15-26). The lying mother exclaimed 'cut the baby!' It was obvious from the reactions that the compassionate mother was the real mother and was rightfully given her son back.

When all of Israel heard the judgment that King Shlomo made, they were awestruck at the wisdom of the King (Kings I 3:28). Clearly the spirit of G-d was in Shlomo just like G-d's spirit rested on Yosef (Makkot 23b).

The Haftorah also shows the length that people who are jealous of others would go to, in order to have their way. This woman was prepared to have another baby killed in order for other women to be deprived of the precious gift of keeping a baby. The Talmud teaches us the importance of not being jealous, stating that a person who is not jealous, wont rot in the grave (Shabbat 152b).