Haftorah Bereishit

This week, is the first of the Haftorot we will be reading out of all the Parshiot this year, coming from the book of Isaiah (Isaiah 42:5 - 43:10).

The Haftorah is almost immediatly relating to the theme of this weeks Sedra, Bereishit, as the prophet states ' So said the G-d Hashem, who creates the heavens and who stretches them forth, he who spreads out the earth and its produce, he who gives a soul to the people that are upon it, and a spirit to those creatures that go about onto it (Isaiah 42:5),' This introductory verse to the Haftorah, sums up all components of creation, which G-d created in the first six days of creation (Bereishit 1:1-31).

The prophet stresses how Hashem has been protecting the Jews in reightousness and how the Jewish people are 'as a light for the nations (Isaiah 42:6).' It is the Jewish nation's responsibility to guide mankind in to service and to represent man kind very well, however as G-d has given the 613 mitzvot to the Jewish nation, each Jew has an obligation to strive to perform the mitzvot at the best of one's ability, each mitzvah is precious in G-d's eyes, whether the Mitzvah being one of doing acts of kindness, learning Torah, Tzitzit, Tefillin, prayer, charity or in other forms.

The Haftorah progesses relating a few words in Isaiah's prophecy, 'Sing to Hashem a new song, his praise from the end of the earth (Isaiah 42:10),' Just as the Haftorah has a musical theme, directed to G-d, we learn from this weeks Parshah that Adam, the first of all man kind, sang a song to G-d, in praise of the Shabbat day (Bereishit Rabba 22:28).

A verse states that 'Hashem is like a warrior, he shall go forth like a man of wars, he shall arouse vengance (Isaiah 42:13),' This verse very much is parrelled in the Parshah, after Cain murdered his brother, Hevel in cold blood (Beresihit 4:8), G-d, immediatly after tells Cain, how he will be cursed to the ground (Bereishit 4:11), after seven generations had passed, the ultimate vengance on Cain was brought through his death (Beresihit 4:23).

Isaiah relates a message from G-d, how people that trust in idolworship will end up being embaressed and humiliated (Isaiah 42:17).

The prophet relates how G-d wants the Torah magnified and glorified in the world (Isaiah 4:21), honoring the Torah and respecting it is very important, one also has the obligation to honor those that learn the Torah (Shabbat 119).

The end of Chapter 42, states what would occur if the Jewish nation does not keep to the Torah, just as much blessing will come for fulfilling the Torah, the opposite will be true if one forsake's the Torah, as the prophet relates how G-d will pour his fury on to his nation and would bring war upon them (Isaiah 42:25).

G-d relates his love for the Jewish nation before the prophet recites a beautiful verse, 'Everyone who is called by my name and for my glory, i have created him, i have fashioned him, indeed i have perfected him (Isaiah 43:7).' This verse proves how G-d has perfected the human being and how he formed mankind in his image, just as he created man on the sixth day of creation as he formed Adam and Chava (Bereishit 1:27).

The Haftorah concludes relating how no other nation can bear witness to G-d's greatness, his mercy, and the fulfillment of his prophecies.